Monday, June 15, 2009

T-Minus 4 days and Counting

I am terrified that I am not going to get everything finished in time, although I've been slowly making progress in a great direction for it.

I put together the kitchen rubbermaid and that's finished except for a batch of kitchen towels, a folding colander and the spaghetti spoon (which was in the dishwasher). I started organizing the trunk of the car and I am hoping that I can keep a small jump seat in the back open for the kiddos. Just to give them a bit more space.

I have been doing laundry like crazy and realized that my children, who are normally helpful, are kind of in the way of all my organizing. It's summer, there's no time "off" to get them out of my way so I can get things done fast without kids underfoot. It's slowing me down a little bit.

In addition, I've been tempted to bring along my own laptop, because the mini one and my fingers are not friends. I can't imagine trying to type a series of blogs on a keyboard that's 3/4 size. I've been typing since I was eight years old, on a standard size keyboard. That's well over 20 years of a mental habit, and something I'm not going to break easily. In addition, I don't really want to have to re-learn anything for this trip. So, I'm tempted, but I know that it will require another bag, so I'm debating it. Plus, if I do not take it, I have to program all the connection information for my phone's internet service into the small one. I'm still on the fence.

My goal today is to get all our clothing for the trip packed up. The boys need some more socks and shorts, I need some more shorts, but I think if I pack what we have, and then go from there, I will be able to add as necessary. As for my girls, I miss the days when I had them all in Gymboree clothing bought on deep clearance. I love all the Gymboree stuff because it wears really well, everything matches, and there are hair accessories for every outfit. The girls of course, do not appreciate that right now. We have an assortment of their favorite clothes that I let them pick for the trip, and both of them will end up having their wardrobes replaced with matchy sets from Target for cheap before long, sending their current wardrobes home in a flat rate box.

I had my tent airing out on the backyard table yesterday, during a full day of heat and sunshine, only to realize that last night I left it out there, and overnight... it poured. Guess I'll be shaking it off and starting that process over. Sigh. I wonder if I can throw it in the dryer on air, no heat. I will probably try that to speed the process along and even throw in a fabric softener for a french lavender scent.

Normally I wouldn't be freaked out about having 4 days to pack, as I'm the type who will throw a bunch of stuff in a suitcase and leave town on an hour's notice or less, but I haven't ever planned a trip of this magnitude and I don't really have four days. Tomorrow, the girls are filming as extras in a movie, Blue Valentine, that's being shot up here in PA. So I'm assuming that it will be an all day event. Wednesday morning, I have a doctor's appointment so that pretty much kills the first half of the day for packing.

I've sent off resumes for Nashville interviews, and hopefully will be able to schedule a couple for mid next week.

Well, it's already ten am, and I have a full day ahead of me... so it's probably time that I shut off the computer (I've told the kids there is no internet access today- we're working together today) and get to work.

There's lots to be done. Lots.